Once you are certain you have everything in place, you can finally build your dream home. The contractors are required to build your home in accordance with the information in the contract, and an impartial party is meant to confirm that the build is going to plan. In a traditional contract, all communication between you and the construction team will go through your design team or the designated contract administrator. This is usually the architect or the QS in some cases.
Therefore, to start, review your Responsibility Matrix to clarify each Role and Responsibility between you, your Design Team and the Construction Team. This would include:

by Tineke Triggs
Submit F10 form to HSE if required
Install welfare facilities according to the Construction Phase Plan.
CDM Roles of Principle Design & Principle Contractor
Manage offsite manufacturing, logistics of getting materials and large-scale components to site on time
Manage of supply chain partners
Record, manage and Report site discoveries
Respond to Site Queries
Inform Building control to inspect all relevant stages i.e., Commencement, Foundation excavation, Prior to laying oversite concrete, DPC, Laying of drains, Floor joists, Roof timbers, test drains
Approve shop drawings from specialist contractors or suppliers
Regularly report on Construction Quality
Inspect the works and monitor progress

By Timothy Godbold
Discharge any pre-occupation Planning Conditions before handover.
Prepare the Building manual and include the completed Health & Safety File and Fire Safety Information.
Commission the building services to ensure everything is in working order. The design team will usually witness the initial testing and commissioning of each system. At handover, the client would be shown how to use, maintain and control each system. The procedure should be recorded in the building manual.
Prepare a SAP report and Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
Obtain building control completion certificate.
Produce the Defects List prior to Practical Completion being certified. Practical completion means that all the works described in the contract have been carried out while the defects list, lists all items not done according to the contract.
Install furniture, fixtures and equipment that don’t form part of the main contract.
Implement handover and Aftercare procedures
Clean, arrange removals, install personal effects.
... And that is it, your home is complete! However, the building contract is not quite complete. You will have a period stipulated in the contract to report any defects to the contract administrator who will instruct the contractor to make good (repair) the defects in a reasonable time. At the end of this period and subject to all repairs being completed, the contract administrator will issue the final certificate bringing the building contract to a close.